
SMPC Minutes for General Meeting, Monday, May 13, 2024 at Minami Center

Board members present: Dave Eckenrode, President; Marcy Galvez-Jimenez, Vice President; Mick Robinson, Treasurer; Debbie Wegemer, Secretary, Koni Shaff (community outreach), Blake Boardman, (court maintenance) and Brenda Maynard, (tournaments) absent. About 34 club members present.

Meeting called to order: 6:02 p.m. by Dave

Treasurer’s Report: Mick said the PLAY (People for Leisure and Youth, the city’s nonprofit account) has a balance of $60,000. Our bank checking account balance is $9,880.07.

Feb:     Income $1,684 and Expenses $561.52 and transferred $10,000 to our PLAY account

Mar:     Income $1,324 and Expenses $210.10

Apr:     Income $1,179 and Expenses $0

Mick said his financial reports are always available for members to look over. Mick also reported that our club membership numbers are a little down since the closure of Hagerman, but we have seen some new members recently.

Dave talked about a few observations after playing on many differed courts locally and  across the country. He feels we are a unique club and always so welcoming to new players. Keep this up. Please remember, we are a volunteer club, so everyone needs to help with table duty, helping teach at the kids clinic and tournaments.

Court etiquette: If you have an issue on the court resolve it quickly, if not take the discussion off the court or speak to a board member about the problem.

Flex Court: Has been designated as court 2. Based on the number of paddles it can either be a regular court or challenge depending on which group has more paddles up.

3 new Minami courts are now open and have auto lights that come on at sunset and stay on until 10. We will create a focus on how the club would like to use the courts. After the meeting we will walk out to see the courts.

Sidewalks: Dave will check with the city. City has said they will have their work crews install the sidewalks.

The club is looking into purchasing new windscreens, possibly with our club name on them.

Blake, Stephanie and Brenda are continuing to work on our non-profit status.

Blake is researching a 5% discount for club members with Pickleball Central with 5% going back to our club.

Tournament: We need more players, volunteers and sponsors.  We will have 4 gift baskets to raffle off. Koni will coordinate this.  Please contact Koni if you would like to make a basket or donate to one. Gaylen has a money tree we will use for gift cards. If you want to donate a gift card, please give to Gaylen.

Dave will look into buying a heavy duty pop up with our club name on it.

Meeting adjourned 7:10 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Debbie Wegemer, Secretary


SMPC Meeting with City of SM Parks and Rec Dept., Jan. 19, 2024 at 10:00 am

City representatives in attendance Dennis Smitherman, Rudy Guiterrez and Eduardo Marquez.

SMPC board members Dave Eckenrode, President; Mick Robinson, Treas; Debbie Wegemer, Sec., Blake Boardman, maintenance and Derek Elchlepp, past President.

Projects at Hagerman Pickleball and Minami Courts

Construction on repairing the Hagerman courts has begun and should be done soon. Our upcoming rain will cause some delays. The City is optimistic we will be back there soon!

The City of SM will be paying all the costs for the repairs, which is extremely good news for our club.

Now the City and Club can move forward with the surrounding sidewalks and eventually two new courts.

City of SM and SMPC play waivers will be ready for members to sign once the Hagerman courts are back open.

The three outdoor pickleball courts at Minami that are being converted from one tennis court are in the bid process. Final bids are due no later than Jan. 23. City is hoping for an end of June finish date. These courts have lights.

Once Hagerman is open the City will hold off any outside rentals for a couple of months to allow the club and public to use the courts.

The Rotary Club is interested in renting the courts for a tournament.

The City will not host a tournament this year and is happy to have us run our own tournaments, which we are interested in doing and the board will discuss at our next board meeting in February.

The City will once again have a kids clinic during spring break and we will need volunteers to help teach the clinic. The club also hopes they will have an adult clinic soon and possibly on a more permanent basis. Maybe once a month on a Sat. or quarterly. This is still under discussion.

AED machines have been updated and are in good working condition. The City will set up a training and first aid class for any club member interested.

Edwards gym near Pioneer Valley HS is a possible venue for rain day play.

The City will once again have pickleball league play during the spring and summer. Mon., Tues. and Wed. from approximately 5-7. We suggested a possible Sat. league.

A bike rack and a doggie poop bag dispenser have been installed near the Hagerman courts.

When our windscreens need to be replaced The City has a vendor that can print logos on them and thought we would like to have our logo on them. The board will discuss this at a future meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45.


SMPC Minutes for General Meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024

Board members present: Derek Elchlepp, President; Marcy Galvez-Jimenez, Vice President; Mick Robinson, Treasurer; Debbie Wegemer, Secretary (absent, Elise Cassel filling in to take minutes); Koni Shaff (community outreach), Brenda Maynard, tournaments (absent); Blake Boardman, maintenance. About 25 members present.

Meeting called to order: 5:35 p.m. by Derek.

Board Election: The 74 ballots were counted for election of Dave Eckenrode for president and Mick Robinson as (2nd term) treasurer and the two were unanimously elected. There were no write-in candidates.  Ballots were counted by Koni Shaff and Elise Cassel. Derek said that with the addition of Blake Boardman as director for maintenance, the Board of Directors is now complete.

Potluck: The early December event was a success, with more than 64 members and guests attending and providing an appetizing buffet of dishes. Derek thanked Marcy Galvez-Jimenez, Gaylen Clark and others who helped organize the event. $385 was collected and $275 expenses for rental, cleaning deposit and prizes.

Election Year: Derek noted that with national election campaigning underway, the subject of politics should be avoided on the courts. He asked that members focus on enjoying the sport of pickleball and abstain from voicing political opinions on the courts.

Hagerman courts: Work on resurfacing was set to begin Jan.8 but the company postponed due to rain forecast. The company is still catching up on work postponed from the prior rain and has been rescheduled to begin Jan. 17. The work will take an estimated three weeks to complete. City is being tight lipped about costs and negotiations are ongoing.

Table duty: Volunteers are continually needed for daily table sign-in duty. Dave suggested sending an email to the membership to remind them of the need for table volunteers and providing a how-to guide for setting up and taking down the table from the storage shed, where nets are also stored.

Codes for the locks and storage room should not be given out. A rotating board member or Jhonna should be available to open the storage room in the mornings for set up. The exception to this is the rolling net codes. Those may be given only to YEARLY PAID members with the understanding that the codes WILL NOT be given to anyone else.

Member dues: Annual fees will remain at $100 per person, $175 per couple; $10 per month, $3 per day. Dave suggested sending an email to remind people now playing at other courts that annual membership payments are accepted until Jan. 31.

Grant application: Bob Gnibus said the club’s grant application to AARP will be submitted when the application period opens Jan. 18, 2024. Submission period ends March 6.

Instruction classes:  Koni said Beginner Classes will be the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 8:30-10 a.m., Bob G. is January instructor.  Advanced Skills & Drills will be the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month from 9:15-10:15 a.m. Dave & Katey will be instructors for Skills & Drills. Any class changes will be announced on Team Reach.

Advanced instructors are needed to volunteer for future Skills & Drills classes, preferably signing up for the month. Bob is available after Feb/March. The Board is looking into having a certified pro instructor conduct a class. The city plans more adult & children’s clinics so will need volunteers, dates TBA. There will be a sign-up calendar at the courts. Thanks to everyone who generously donated their time & skills in 2023. Incorporate 15-20 minutes stretching warm ups before classes.

Stretching & warmup: Dave suggested holding a session on stretching to help avoid soft tissue injury or for those recovering from that injury. A therapist (Jordan Larson from Active Physical Therapy in Orcutt) gave a brief session to club members in the last year or two.

Treasurer’s Report: Mick said the PLAY (People for Leisure and Youth, the city’s nonprofit account) has a balance of $50,000. Our bank checking account balance is $9,304. Total income for the year was $28,147. Operating expenses were $3,379, with net income of $2,334. Mick said his financial reports are always available for members to look over.

Misc. Items: 1. Gaylen asked if the club can host a tournament to help with court repairs costs and additional improvements the club wants to work on.

2. Bike racks (been requested numerous times to the city) and doggie poop bags at Hagerman.

3. City of SM waiver will be required to be signed by all members when we return to Hagerman.

Recognition: Walter Linn asked that Derek be recognized for the time and effort he has put into his two years as club president. The club applauded his efforts.

Meeting adjourned 6:30 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Elise Cassel

(filling in for Debbie Wegemer, secretary)



SMPC General Meeting December 3, 2023 at Lake Marie Clubhouse

Meeting called to order by President Derek Elchlepp at 5:15. Board in attendance Marcy Jimenez, VP; Mick Robinson, Treas; Debbie Wegemer, Sec; Director at Large Koni Shaff (community outreach). Absent Brenda Maynard (Tournament Director) and Blake Boardman (Facility Maintenance).

In attendance about 45 members at our annual holiday potluck and bunco party.

President, Derek welcomed everyone and gave a big thank you to the organizers and helpers of the annual holiday potluck. We had a great turnout with lots of food, good cheer and fun.

Hagerman Update: resurfacing is scheduled to begin Jan. 8., weather permitting. Derek and Marcy have a meeting with the City of SM on Thurs., Dec. 7.

Orcutt Christmas Parade is Sat., Dec. 9 at noon. Terry Armas is organizing our club to participate. We are to arrive between 10:30-11:30 at the staging area on Rice Ranch Rd. We will wear club tee shirts and accessorize with Christmas attire. Bring your paddles and support our group!

Voting for President and Treasurer will continue at the Atkinson courts until Dec. 31, 2023. Last opportunity to vote will be at the General Meeting and counting of the ballots the first week of Jan. 2024. The exact date and location TBD.  

Discussion on raising dues will be discussed by the new board of directors at the beginning of Jan. 2024. Yearly dues for 2023 were $100 per person and $175 per couple. Monthly dues are $10 and $3 daily.

Bob Gnibus is continuing to work on a grant as previously reported last month.

Glen Preskop wanted to give a big thank you to Derek for his great leadership and hard work as our President for the last two years. Everyone was grateful for his contribution to our club.

Meeting adjourned at 5:40. Club minutes submitted by Debbie Wegemer, Secretary


SMPC Board Meeting Minutes Nov. 7, 2023

Board Members In attendance: Derek, Marcy, Mick, Debbie, Koni and Brenda.  Guests: Dave, Bob and Gaylen Call to order at 11:00

Discussions of a general meeting will be held Wed., Dec. 6, 2023 at 6:30 with location TBD.

Old business:  Update on Hagerman. Casey Stoen, City Facility Manger will be finalizing the bid. Contractor has been selected and specs from contractor will be sent to City Attorney for approval. Cost is $41,000. City wants SMPC to pay for the resurfacing. There is no start date yet.  Questions to be asked of City and Contractor; What will the warranty be and will the city have a maintenance plan in place after the resurfacing?

Does the SMPC want to do a fundraiser to help with resurfacing costs?  

Board will ask City to install a soap dispenser in bathrooms at Atkinson.  Brenda checked on the cost of a porta potty, $116 a month with a $45 drop off cost. It would be cleaned once a week. Dave has a portable camping toilet that he’ll lend to the club if we feel it’s needed. At this time the board feels we can deal with the bathrooms at Atkinson.

Skills and Drills Intermediate and Advance Classes will resume with rotating teachers twice a month. Koni will contact the teachers and set up the days.

Making Atkinson run smoothly: Mick volunteered as Treasurer to organize the monthly sign in sheets and keep the red binder updated. A big thank you to Kathy who has been organizing this job for the club.

Each month a board member will be assigned to organize the monthly calendar for volunteers to open and close the courts. Brenda will take Dec. If a club member is opening, a board member will need to arrive to unlock the storage room and rolling nets. Table worker will start closing the courts at 12.

New Business: AARP Grant.  Bob G. would like to apply for a grant to help our pickleball club financially. Bob has checked with a couple non-profits to help co-sponsor the application.  CC Commission for Sr Citizens, PLAY and Kiwanis. Bob felt PLAY was the best option. Bob will check to see if we can apply for the grant with different cosponsors for a better chance. Bob will keep us updated on the progress.

Elections will be begin Dec. 1 for President and Treasurer.  Mick is planning on running for re-election for Treasurer. Dave Eckenrode will be running for President. We are looking for a club member to run for the Director at Large position of Facilities Maintenance too.  If any club member is interested in running for any of these positions, please contact current President Derek by the end of Nov. as voting begins Dec. 1 and ends on Dec. 31. We will have the ballot box at the courts beginning Dec. 1.  Debbie will prepare ballots and ballot box.

Our Annual Holiday Pot Luck and Bunco Party will be held Sun., Dec. 3 beginning at 5:00 for dinner at the Lake Marie Clubhouse.   A sign-up sheet on attendees will be at the courts.  Also, you can sign up for your food item to share and set up and clean up too. If you want to play Bunco, the cost is $10. If you don’t want to play Bunco the cost is $5. We will have 5 bunco prizes and some door prizes too!  

We will also have the voting box available.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:25

Respectfully submitted by Debbie Wegemer, SMPC Secretary


SMPC General Meeting October 4,, 2023 at Miramonte Park Meeting Room

Meeting called to order by President Derek Elchlepp at 6:40. Board in attendance Marcy Jimenez, VP; Mick Robinson, Treas; Debbie Wegemer, Sec; Directors at Large Brenda Maynard (tourn dir) & Koni Shaff (community outreach) In attendance about 36 members in and three guests from the Lompoc Pickleball Club

Minutes from the 8-29-2023 general meeting were approved.

Kiwanis tournament check was received.  $9,588.61

 Treasurers report by Mick through Sept. Checking account: $17,633.94 and in PLAY account:  $40,000

 Providence Landing grand opening was a huge success. The County of SB donated 24 paddles and balls to the SMPC.  SMPC donated a few paddles and balls to the firemen that came and took the clinic.  Lompoc pickleball club plays at Providence Tues, Thurs & Sat.  8 new courts are being installed at Ryon Park in Lompoc.  Completion is about 2 months away.

 City of SM Pickleball tournament. We netted $265 from the 50/50 raffle.  Not sure how much, if any, we will receive from the City. They are still issuing refunds, so they don’t have final net proceeds yet. We have leftover tournament tees for sale for $10.  

 Kathy is working on ordering club tees for members to purchase; white, silver or black. Women’s V neck, long and short sleeve.  Men’s crew, long and short sleeve. Debbie motioned to sell tees for $20 for short sleeve and $25 for long.  Club will make a little profit on each tee.  Marcy seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

 Play at Atkinson:  We have 4 courts for rec play and 2 for challenge play if needed.  Atkinson will be closed for pickleball on Oct. 9-12 for a pumpkin patch event. A new use contract is needed for Oct. 13 and beyond. The Board will investigate either fixing or removing ball holders and permanently attaching paddle holders. Jhonna made a new arrow.  Players will leave court after 2 games. Players will accept calls as made by opponents. No spitting on courts.  Table duty; please remember to write money collection on envelope.

 Terry motioned for the club to buy another rolling net and 2 outdoor locks. Gaylen seconded the motion.  After much discussion the motion was passed.

 Hagerman update from The City.  The City has 3 bids and contracts will be drawn up and given to The City attorney for review, then final decision will be made on the contractor. The Board will ask The City if the nets at Hagerman should be taken down, as we’ve heard there have been some jumping of the fence to play.  The City received multiple complaints about the condition of courts prior to them closing.

 Walter Linn is working with USAPA on a contest called United Court Give Away. Our club has passed the first test and now Walter is making a video to present as to why SMPC wants/needs a new court. Three finalists will be contacted. Walter will keep us updated on the contest.

 Elections for President, Treasurer and Director at Large Facilities Maintenance will begin Dec. 1 and run through Dec. 31. Mick is running for re-election for Treasurer.  Is anyone interested in running. Please contact Derek.

Beginner classes will start back up again on Tuesdays from 8:30-10:00. First class will be Oct. 17. A big thank you to our new teachers, Bob G., Koni, Leah, Bob B. and Blake.

Holiday Potluck Party/Bunco evening. Possible date Sun., Dec. 3 at 5:00. Kathy will investigate using the Lake Marie clubhouse again.

A friendly reminder to please put your emergency contact information on your bag.

Senior activity week will offer beginning pickleball class at the Mussell Center from 11:45-12:45 on Oct. 5. Koni, Ann and Debbie have volunteered to teach the class.

 Meeting adjourned at 7:55. Club minutes submitted by Debbie Wegemer, Secretary                                          


SMPC General Meeting Aug. 29, 2023 at Hagerman

Meeting called to order by President Derek Elchlepp at 11:20. Also in attendance Marcy Jimenez, VP; Debbie Wegemer, Sec; Directors at Large Brenda Maynard (tourn dir) and Koni Shaff (outreach) In attendance about 20 members in attendance. Treasurer, Mick Robinson was absent.

August income $1,326 and expenses $772 for annual website fee and donation to the Kiwanis Back to School Shopping event.  Our P.L.A.Y. account balance is $32,566.55. Checking account balance on 8-31 is $14,676.67. We will be depositing $7,433.45 to P.L.A.Y. to bring the balance to $40,000. Still waiting on the check from the Kiwanis Tournament. Once received that will also go into P.L.A.Y.

Gaylen reported improvements to Hagerman courts.

City wants to put in 2 courts first and then two more.  City also wants to put in sidewalks. There is no start date yet. Approximate cost $50,000.

Resurfacing will cost $31,000. No date yet on when this will be done. Gaylen is waiting on an answer from City on the possibly of a temporarily repair to the courts.

The work on the new courts at Minami still have not started.

Kiwanis Tournament report from Gaylen Clark.  We raised $9,400! Kiwanis Back to School Shopping event was a huge success. SMPC had 14 shopper volunteers to help with the event at Old Navy. The SMPC donated $500 and club members also donated $300 for a total of $800.

Weekend softball tournaments and court closures. Alex from the City did not know why the courts have been closed.  They should only be closed if the softball organizers rent out the whole complex.

Ethics and Rules sign is up.  Please read and abide by the SMPC and City of SM’s rules.

City of SM tournament Sept. 22-24. No players under the age of 16. Gaylen will check with City as we’ve had under 16’s play in the past. There will be a meeting with Brenda and Jackie from the City on Sept. 1.

Providence Landing Pickleball Courts in the Village of Vandenburg grand opening is Sept. 16. 10-12 SMPC members will be teaching a new player adult clinic.  

Table duty can put up a pop up if needed.  Just remember it needs to be taken down and put in storage closet.

Club is working on another order for Club tee shirts. Dry fit, short and long sleeve.  White or black. Same club logo $15-20. Hats and visors are also a possibility at $15-30.  

Kathy is working on the name paddle band order. All paddles need names on them.

We discussed when to go to 4 on 4 off at the courts.  It was discussed and decided that when 14 paddles are waiting, we would switch to 4 on 4 off.

The summer PB League has two more weeks of play.

 Club will work on having a Sunshine Committee which will take on sending get well, congrat, birthday cards etc… to club members.

 Derek is working on continuing our Skills & Drills classes on Mondays. He will be talking to experienced members to take over Walter’s class.


Members using the ball machine need to please take out all the balls from the machine before storing the machine in the closet. Please remove all balls from inside of the machine, also by the wheels.  IT IS UNSAFE FOR THE NEXT USER WHEN STARTING THE MACHINE, BALLS WILL UNEXPECTABLY SHOOT OUT.


Meeting adjourned at 12:15. Club minutes submitted by Debbie Wegemer, Secretary


Overview of last two SMPC Board of Directors meetings on Aug. 2 & 5

Old business; Waivers, we are still waiting on the City’s approval of waiver wording.

Rules, Conduct & Code of Ethics Signs from the City are coming soon and should be up mid August.

Plans for new courts and Minami courts are still in process.  This project is going to be a long process and the City is asking for our patients.  

Kiwanis is having their annual Back to school Old Navy event to help underprivileged kids.  Club will ask for donations from members and will donate up to $500 to this event. Koni will get the word out to the members, and we will need volunteers to help with this event too.

Garage sale netted $930.50.  

Marcy has Venmo Q&R Code. It will be laminated and put on the check-in table and in binder.

New Business: Beginner Classes; Jerry is stepping down as lead teacher.  We have several volunteers helping at this time. Al, Pat, Dick, Leah, Bob and Biko consistently help with the class. Starting class at 8:30-10:00.

Discussions on class size limits and sign ups.  Will see how many we keep getting to see if sign ups are necessary. Attendees need to be on time.

Skills and Drills Classes; Walter is stepping down as lead teacher. He’s done an incredible job teaching everyone this great game of pickleball and his shoes will be hard to fill. Class time is 8:15-9:30. Attendees need to be on time and ready to begin at 8:15. No latecomers will be allowed. Discussions on changing class time to maybe later in the afternoon or evening or possibly on weekends.  Depends on new teachers. We do need to limit attendance to teacher’s specs. Sign-ups prior to class beginning, first come, first served.

Positioning of AED & First Aid equipment. It was decided to be placed on the side fence back stop at the back of court 4.  Dave volunteered to improve and build us a new first aid kit. This info will be added to the desk procedures for the check in binder.

Keys for storage room cabinet will be held by board members only.

Minimum age during club play for kids under parents’ umbrella. We discussed young players must have a little experience playing and feel comfortable playing with other adults.  

Gaylen suggested a club directory with names, addresses, emails and phone numbers. Once waiver forms are ready for signatures and we’ll ask members to fill out a card with info.

Marcy reported the City is looking for a temporary part time employee to work during night league play. Marcy will put out to club members.

City tournament sign ups have begun, and the City will make up flyers for us to pass out. Cost is $100 per team.

Dry fit club tees for members to purchase is being investigated.

Facebook page administrators are Marcy, Debbie and Terry.  It was discussed to possibly limit “friends” to members, as we’ve been getting some “friend” requests that don’t seem legitimate.  

Beginner Classes; we would like to continue having them on Tuesday’s from 8:30-10:00 and limiting the class sizes to between 10-12 if we have enough instructors for two courts. Participants would sign up for the class beginning at 8:00 am.  First come, first served. Connie will meet with volunteer instructors and work out logistics.

Monday Skills and Drills with Walter will be thru Aug from 8:15-9:30. Once a new instructor is found times and days will be discussed. Debbie motioned to allow skills and drills participants to stay on courts after class for one game.  All four players will leave court and place their paddles on the racks accordingly after their game. Motion was seconded by Marcy. The majority vote passed motion.

Brenda discussed Board of Director meeting minutes being available to the members. General meeting minutes are emailed to members and posted on the bulletin board. Brenda motioned to post the Board of Director meeting minutes that reflect changes or policies the members need to be aware of. Motions was seconded by Mick. The majority vote passed motion.

The City of SM Pickleball Tournament Sept. 22, 23, 24. Sign- ups are now being taken through the city. Marcy has been asking for flyers from the city for three weeks.  Still waiting. Cost is $100 per team, with one team members signing up.



SMPC General Meeting June 5, 2023 at Minami 

Meeting called to order by President Derek Elchlepp at 6:05.  Also in attendance Marcy Jimenez, VP; Mick Robinson, Treas; Debbie Wegemer, Sec; Director at Large Gaylen Clark (tourn dir)

In attendance about 37 members in attendance  

Plans from the city for improvements to Hagerman courts.

1.       New 5 foot sidewalks around 3 sides of courts. To help with keeping sand off the courts.

2.       Re-surfacing/fixing current courts is top priority. Will take approximately 3 weeks at a cost of $75,000.

3.       Possibility of 2 new courts at Hagerman in 2024.

4.       3 new permanent PB courts are being worked on at Minami with a finish timeframe of late summer.  Club would like to ask City of SM for specific times for club play.  With lights at Minami night play is possible. The board will ask if more PB permanent courts are an option at Minami.

Pat Black would like to donate a SM Pickleball courts sign near the entrance by the Hagerman field sign. Pat will work up a design.  We need to find out exactly where we can place the sign as some of the property is owned by the YMCA and the County of SB.

Kiwanis Tournament report from Gaylen Clark.  Gaylen wanted to thank so many people who helped with the tournament, from behind the scenes to volunteering at the tournament. Holly and Biko for working the hospitality table.  Dolly and Cindy for working the basket and 50/50 table. Mary Lou, Marcy and Debbie for working the check in table.  Jerry for court maintenance and RD getting student volunteers. Leo Batson for securing many new and returning sponsors.  Another big thank you to Lorene for running the tournament all 3 days!

Sponsors: $5,800

Registration: $6,675 with 102 participants

Baskets: $866

50/50 Drawing: $815

Expenses: $2,497 (tee shirts, banner, medals)

Total income: $14,156

Net profit: $11,658 (once Elks takes out fees for queen candidate, we will split with Kiwanis. Club will receive 80%)

 We need to fill the At Large Board Member positions of Outreach, Facilities Maintenance and Tournament Director if anyone is interested, please contact Derek or Marcy.  Gaylen will shadow and help the Tournament Director.

 New Business:  Elections for President and Treasurer will be in December 2023.  Mick would like to continue as Treasurer and will run again. Derek will not be seeking re-election.  

 USAPA will be having an ambassador’s retreat June 19 in Las Vegas, with Jhonna Dowd attending.

 We will be having a club garage sale to help raise funds on July 15 at Jerry & Mary Lou’s home.  So, start saving your stuff and clean out your garage! No furniture please.

 SMPC would like to place an order for club tees, hats, visors if there is any interest from members to purchase. This can also raise some funds.

 VP Report:  Marcy reported the City is hosting an Adult PB Clinic on June 17 from 9-12.  Adults 18 and up with a cost of $10 for city residents and $12 for non-residents. Volunteers are needed to teach the class.

 The summer PB League will begin July 17.  Men play on Monday, Mixed on Tues and Women on Wednesday.

The cost per team is $81 for residents and $106 for non-residents. Play will begin later at 6:30. Up to 4 players per team.  If two players live in the city, they will pay the resident fee. Marcy suggested having 4 on a roster, in case you need a sub.

 Water bottles will be for sale at the check in table for $1.00.

 Meeting adjourned at 7:30. Club minutes submitted by Debbie Wegemer, Secretary          


Santa Maria Pickleball Club General Membership Meeting:  April 18, 2023

 Call to Order at 11:35am by President, Derek Elchlepp, board in attendance. Vice- President, Marcy Jimenez; Treasurer, Mick Robinson and Gaylen Clark, acting tournament director. Secretary, Debbie Wegemer was on vacation. 

Attendance was light with about ten total members present.

 Approval of 3-4-23 meeting minutes. This did not happen at the meeting. However, Derek called the three attending board members that evening and we all approved the final version which Debbie had emailed us. 

President’s Report: A. Kiwanis Tourney

To be held on May 19, 20 and 21 with all but one bracket still having openings. Per Gaylen Clark, acting tournament coordinator with the Kiwanis -

Men’s Doubles Division has, Mixed Doubles Division has, Women’s Doubles Division has, 5 Teams in the 3.0 Bracket. 7 Teams in the 3.5 Bracket. 2 Teams in the 4.0 Bracket.

10 Teams in the 3.0 Bracket. 8 Teams in the 3.5 Bracket. 5 Teams in the 4.0 Bracket.

4 Teams in the 2.5 Bracket. 4 Teams in the 3.0 Bracket. 6 Teams in the 3.5 Bracket. 3 Teams in the 4.0 Bracket.  We are working to increase participation but there is another tournament in Santa Barbara that same weekend. We can have ten (10) teams per bracket.

 There are currently twelve (12) sponsors committed with seven (7) paid. Sponsorships are $250 for a renewal sponsor and $300 for a new sponsor. One sponsor is giving $15 to each of the winners in every bracket, in lieu of a cash ($30 times 10 brackets equals $300).

 The t-shirt order is waiting on the finalization of the sponsor drive.

 Letters for donations from Driscoll’s, Trader Joe’s, Target, Costco and Pepsi have been mailed and we are waiting to hear back. Galen and Kathy will be following through on these letters.

The Club will have five (5) or six (6) themed baskets available tote raffled off during the tournament.

Currently Sue is working on a “Treat Yourself” basket, Sandy is working on an “Animal Lover’s” basket, Terry an “Anything Besides Pickleball” basket, Derek a “Outdoor Basket” and the Club a “Pickleball Basket”.

 Paige Beal, the Kiwanis Queen Candidate, will also be selling tickets for two gift packages, one an alcohol themed package and the other a BBQ themed package. This money will not be split with the Club.

 R. D. will again work to supply several high school students to help work the tourney at various tables, just like last year.

 We will need volunteers and sign-up sheets will be available at the regular sign-up table, daily, Monday through Friday.

 Santa Maria Rec & Parks Pickleball League is in progress. The third week is in progress. In general, all is going OK but it has been quite windy virtually each evening.

 The Club is still in need of volunteers for the three At-Large Directors. The positions are for Maintenance, Community Outreach and Tournament Director. Marian expressed some limited interest but we have no official candidates at this point.

Garage Sale.  There will be a garage sale at the Thomason’s community yard sale, sometime in July or August, and they have volunteered to take items from our Club members to sell to profit the Club.

 Treasurer’s Report:

There was no formal presentation at this meeting, as the group mostly disbursed after the discussion about the Kiwanis Tournament. However, the Club currently has ninety-four (94) Annual Members and forty-nine (49) paid Monthly Members. The current (4-18-23) checking account balance is $15,257.89. Of this, $173.00 is dedicated to the Outreach Fund. There have been no deposits to the Club P.L.A.Y.

account since 11-15-22. Our P.L.A.Y. account remains at $27,366.55 All three accounts are in balance, my hand ledger, the daily computer check register, and the Club’s bank check register. March expenses totaled $945.86. They were a $30.00 reimbursement of overpaid dues to the Clarks, check #1019. There was a $915.86 ball expense paid by the Club Master Card.

 Vice-President’s Report:

Nothing to report except that Marcy has been doing a bit of extra duty to help out the Club while Derek has been dealing with some family issues.

There is nothing new to report from any of our At-Large Directors.

 New Business: A.  OSO balls. Apparently these new balls are better for this area than the Franklin balls we are currently using. Derek has received an e-mail. (Copy attached to the Agenda) from Sharon of Nipomo Pickleball Committee saying they are going to use both for a while to get feedback from their club members. We surveyed the Club members present and all agreed that it was worthwhile to give these new OSO balls a try.

 B.            Alzheimer’s e-mail from David Lai (copy attached to agenda). David wanted to know if the Club was interested in a Lunch and Learn on Dementia or possibly participating in The Walk to End Alzheimer’s at Waller Park on September 30th or even running a pickle ball tournament to fundraise for the Alzheimer’s Association. The members present wanted more information about what David was asking and I was nominated to talk further with him about this.

 C.           Comments or questions from the members. Marcy wanted to thank all the Club members for helping with the Rec & Parks Kid’s Clinic. There were twenty-seven volunteers and the clinic went pretty decently. Most volunteers present at this meeting felt the two hour time was a bit too much, especially for the younger children.

 D.           Marcy (or Gaylen, sorry but I wasn’t focused) got an e-mail from a David Blumenthal (sp?) inquiring about permission to have a HS tournament on our courts. She referred him to the City. We will want to check with the City to make sure this doesn’t negatively impact the Club.

 E.            Marian discussed some of her concerns with the purpose of the Club and also repeated her request for bike racks at the courts.

 Adjourned by acclamation at about 12:20pm.

Minutes presented by Mick Robinson as Debbie was on vacation.


Santa Maria Pickleball Club General Meeting March 1, 2023

 Board members in attendance: Derek Elchlepp, Pres.; Marcy Jimenez, VP; Mick Robinson, Tres; Debbie Wegemer, Sec.; Gaylen Clark, Dir at Lrg.  About 8 general members.

 Derek called meeting to order at 11:13.  Minutes from previous Jan. 4, 2023 meeting were approved.  Marcy motioned with a second from Gaylen. Vote unanimous.

 The March Brews & Berries Tournament has been cancelled due to lack of participation. There was a tournament in Templeton the same weekend.

 SM Parks & Rec is beginning an Adult Pickleball League.  Sign-ups are now in progress. Registration deadline is March 16.  League play begins April 3. Monday (Men’s), Tuesday (Mixed) and Wednesday (Women’s).  Team captain registers.  Then they will send team captain a roster to fill out.  Up to 4 people can be on roster.  League is 10 weeks, plus playoffs.  Matches begin at 5:30. Cost per team $81 city resident team and $106 non-city resident team.

 SMPC & Kiwanis Tournament May 19-21. Friday (Men’s), Saturday (Mixed) and Sunday (Women’s). Gaylen reported the following details.  Cost $60 + $15 for 2nd event.  Includes tee shirt, fruit and water.  Additional food maybe available for purchase.  Registration deadline is May 5, late registration is an additional $10. Men’s and mixed will have 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0.  Women’s will have same levels plus a 2.5 if needed.

 Derek and Mick are working and gathering information for the 501C3 or 7.  By laws need to be updated for this process and are also being worked on. 

 Continued need for table duty.  March sign-up is available.  Mick will train new workers. Instructions for table duty are also in the red binder if needed. Cash box keeps a $25 start.

 Board will meet with City of SM in mid-March regarding the city’s proposal on their vision as to when pickleball courts can be repaired, repainted, or added etc.. City is aware of cracks and needed repairs and is working on getting 3 quotes.

 3 new Directors at Large committee member positions are available; Outreach, Maintenance & Tournament Dir. This position is a 1 year commitment.  This is a voting position.  If you are interested contact Derek.

 Mick gave his treasurer’s report. He’s worked on the 2023 annual budget and projects the following:

 Anticipated 2023 gross income for dues & donations is projected at $16,547.  Less projected 2023 operating expenses at $4,007, equaling $12,540.  The two 2023 tournaments' total gross incomes were projected at $20,700, less total estimated expenses of $6,700, for $14,000 prior to our estimated 50% split (so $7,000 net to us).  So, $12,540 plus the $7,000 (net from tournaments) equals an estimated $19,540 net income for 2023. 

Checking accounts balance thru February  $12,155.75

Play account                                                $27,366.55

 Yearly dues are now payable $80 per person or $145 for a couple.  Your dues will be good thru Dec. 31, 2023. Monthly is still $10.  Daily $3

 Sandy Matson motioned for the club to buy new balls for the year at cost of no more than $850.  Holly seconded.  Motion passed.

 Meeting adjourned at 12:23

 Next General Club Meeting Monday, April 17, 2023 at 11:00



SMPC Minutes for Wed., Jan. 4, 2023, 11 a.m.

Board members present: Derek Elchlepp, president; Mick Robinson, treasurer; Jerry Thomason, vice president; directors at large Martha Noel (outreach), Gaylen Clark (tournaments); Jhonna Dowd, USAPA ambassador; and about 20 members.

Meeting called to order: 11: 12 a.m.

Election results: There were 85 votes cast for Board positions of vice president and secretary. For VP, results were: Marcy Galvez-Jimenez – 69, Brenda Maynard—18; for secretary: Debbie Wegemer—50; Lori Frias—34; plus one write-in.

President’s report (Derek): The club had a successful year with two tournaments that generated $12,000 to $13,000 toward future expansion of the Hagerman courts. There was an abundance of volunteer hours –for a total of 127—as a way to bring pickleball to the community and grow the sport. Jerry Thomason offered instruction at Mussell Senior Center; Martha Noel led youth clinics at the YMCA and high schools.

In the club’s quest for additional courts, these hours will show the city that the club is doing its part to bring pickleball to a broad spectrum of the community.

There will be new appointments for the Board’s directors at large as the one-year terms expires later this month for the previous directors. They will be chosen for tournaments, maintenance and outreach.

Night Play: The city is planning to launch a pickleball league three nights a week from about 5 -8 p.m. on Hagerman’s lighted courts the first week of April 2023. Format will be round-robin. Jacqueline Castro at Rec & Parks will be in charge.

Kiwanis Tournament: Gaylen Clark said the format will follow last year’s event with Kiwanis sponsoring an Elks queen candidate. Sponsorships will be sought from local organizations and businesses, with a banner to be displayed at Hagerman with their logos. There will be gift baskets, probably created by individuals, as well as a 50-50 raffle. The ticket price will not include a meal, although The Guys snack shop on-site will likely be open to offer its regular menu for players’ purchases.

Jhonna said the March Brew & Berries tournament planned at Santa Maria Country Club now will be held at Hagerman from March 17-19. Categories will be men’s and women’s singles and mixed doubles. SMPC club members will be asked to donate time to that tournament.

Treasurer’s Report: Mick said he made two deposits (from club income) to the city’s nonprofit PLAY, Inc. account of $5,000 and $5,462, bringing the total balance in PLAY to $27,366.55. The June tournament netted $1,841; the Autumn Classic in Oct. netted $5,725. There were expenses of $32 for stationery supplies and $165.91 for new balls. The current checking account balance is $7,534 including $173 in an outreach fund. There has been $335 income from leftover Oct. tournament t-shirts. Mick said if anyone has specific questions about the club’s finances, he will be happy to discuss them.

 Annual club dues will be collected from March 1-31. Players who have begun to give Mick $100 annual dues checks for 2023-24 will still have to pay $10 monthly in Jan. & Feb. if they were not annual members for 2022-23.

Meeting adjourned: 12:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elise Cassel, outgoing secretary


Minutes for SM Pickleball Club meeting, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022 

Officers present: Derek Elchlepp, president; Jerry Thomason, vice president; Nick Robinson, treasurer; Elise Cassel, secretary; directors Galen Clark, Martha Noel.

Meeting called to order: 11:10 a.m.

Orcutt Parade: The parade committee has not published a list of entries yet. The club should be getting a number for its entry in the next few days. The parade is scheduled for Dec. 10, but rain may be in the forecast.

Elections: Derek said that casting ballots is open to annual club members and those who paid their $10 monthly fee through

December. The ballot box will be on the sign-in table and there will be a roster for people to sign when they take a ballot, which should be marked and placed directly into the box.

Candidates for 2023 Board: For vice president: Marcy Galvez-Jimenez and Brenda Maynard; for secretary: Lori Frias and Debbie Wegemer  There can also be write-ins until day votes are counted, Jan. 6 Directors at large serve only one year so new directors will be named later in 2023. Directors are for outreach, tournaments and facilities.


Social & Bunco: Gaylen expects to have about 40 bunco players tonight. She’ll have name tags for all guests and expects a variety of foods for dinner. There will be prizes for bunco winners. Treasurer’s report: Mick has about $7,000 to deposit in the PLAY account. The checking account balance is $6,998 with only a few expenses for stationery items. The total PLAY account balance with the city is $27,366.55 

Future club meetings: Derek has received requests to alert members earlier of upcoming meetings. He has set a tentative date for the next general club meeting for Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023. He’ll confirm as the date gets closer.

Rec & Parks: Derek has a meeting with the city to talk about plans and current issues. Someone suggested buying artificial turf to cover the dusty sections around the courts. Derek will get an estimate of cost and talk with the city about purchase of the turf.

The SM Rec & Parks is seeking nominations for two seats on its commission that reports to the City Council. Because Elise is one of the few players who lives within city limits, she said she would look into applying for a seat.

Meeting adjourned: 11:50 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Elise Cassel, secretary 


Minutes for SMPC general meeting 11:30 a.m. Friday, Nov. 4, 2022

Board members present: Derek Elchlepp, president; Mick Robinson, treasurer; Jerry Thomason, vice president; Martha Noel, director; Gaylen Clark, director; Jeff Guiltinan (standing outside), maintenance; Jhonna Dowd, ambassador; and about 12 members.

Social: Gaylen suggested having a bunco (dice game) holiday event, either in the afternoon or evening at the Lake Marie clubhouse.

Evening play: Brad Luton, who with his wife Erin has organized evening play at Hagerman, has been talking to the city regarding how to keep the lights on when daylight savings ends (Nov. 6.) The lights are on when there are softball games. If no games, a city employee would need to be in the office to turn on the lights. If the club were to pay for the lights, it would cost $36 for six courts per night, or $384 for the rest of November. The softball teams have paid for lights from Mon.-Thurs. through November, so for now the club will take advantage of that lighting for evening games Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Brad will revisit the issue with Gabriel at Rec & Parks in a few weeks when standard time has returned.

Board Election: Derek said the club is seeking candidates for the positions of secretary and vice president, serving for the next two years. A nominating committee was not formed but

Derek asked all the members to seek out potential candidates, and they will be announced Dec. 5, 2022. Ballots will be cast on Jan. 5, and new terms of office will begin in January 2023. Walter Linn suggested the ballots be emailed out to members to cast a wider net of voters. A player can vote if they are annual members (135 now) or have paid $10 in December.   (The last amendment [12-11-21] to election bylaws [Article 6, sec. 2) states that numbered ballots will be available to members at the sign-in table, with each member signing a registry to ensure one numbered ballot per signature. Approved 12-11-21, text attached. Emailing ballots requires a new amendment [EC])

Nonprofit status: Derek, Mick and Elise will meet later today with Trent Benedetti, CPA, to discuss how the club can obtain 501c status. That tax status would allow the club to obtain grants for building additional courts.

Meeting adjourned: 12:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elise Cassel, secretary


Minutes for SMPC General Club Meeting, 11 a.m. Monday, Oct. 10, 2022

Board members present: Derek Elchlepp, president; Jerry Thomason, vice president; Mick Robinson, treasurer; Elise Cassel, secretary; Gaylen Clark, director-tournaments, Jhonna Dowd, USAPA ambassador, , Jeff Guiltinan, director-maintenance (plus about 20 players) Prior meeting minutes approved.

Treasurer’s report: Proceeds from the June Kiwanis meeting of $5,725 deposited to PLAY, Inc. account. Balance in regular bank account as of 10-07-22 was $5,423.

Expenses were $77.94 for club info cards for newcomers, $173 in outreach funds.

Additional income: $165 from surplus t-shirts sold after the tournament. President’s report: Special thanks to Jim Parry and Jeff Blake for tables setup for tournament; Jhonna for ordering the balls, Walter for serving as tournament director for the club, Gaylen for organizing the teams for the three divisions with about 90 players.

On Nov. 1 a committee will be formed for new Board member nominations to be announced at the Dec. 5 meeting. The two positions being filled are vice president and secretary, which have 2-year terms. (Directors at large serve 1 year.) Candidates must be in good standing and be annual members, either paying annually or paying 12 months of $10 dues. 

On Jan. 5, at the club’s annual meeting, ballots will be cast and opened, per the bylaws. (Article 6 –Elections, section 2). New terms of office will begin in January 2023. (“Actual” members are described in section 2 but the Board will further define the term.)

Autumn Classic Tournament report (Gaylen report, attached.) She thanked the many volunteers who helped during the three-day event. (Details in attached report.) 

 Court etiquette: Derek reminded everyone to refrain from using their cell phones (and Apple watches) while playing on the courts. Players have complained that it’s disruptive.

Nonprofit status: There was discussion of acquiring nonprofit status. Elise questioned whether the club qualified for a 501c3 status because the club is recreational not philanthropic. She asked if a 501c7 status would be more appropriate, which means the club’s income flows back to the club, not to charities but would be “tax-exempt.” Dues are not tax-deductible but club donations are deductible if made to the city’s nonprofit fiduciary agent, PLAY, Inc. The state requires a $700 filing fee for nonprofit entities plus costs for an attorney or CPA to do the legal paperwork for nonprofit status.

Courts closure/repairs: All the Hagerman courts will be closed from Oct. 24-28 to allow the city to repair fence posts. Courts will be locked and all nets will be removed during this time. Following approval of final inspection on 10-28, the courts will reopen.

March tournament (Jhonna): The event at SM Country Club, from March 17-19, will be USAPA sanctioned and although there will not be referees, players will be assigned a skill level according to their bracket placement. Players will self-select their skill level when registering. The event can accommodate 300 players on 10 courts. Food may be purchased at the club and green beer will be provided all three days. Cost to enter is $65 plus $15. Jeff said cost of joining the club is $144/month:  social membership is $75 plus PB access $69.  Club features include heated swimming pool, four lighted PB courts.  

Orcutt parade: Debbie Wegemer said the club should consider joining the Orcutt holiday parade on Sat., Dec. 10. Derek asked her to organize the event.  

Meeting adjourned: 12:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

--Elise Cassel

SMPC secretary


Club Meeting, 11:30 a.m. Monday, July 18, 2022

Officers Present: Derek Elchlepp, president; Jerry Thomason, vice president; Mick Robinson, treasurer; Elise Cassel, secretary; Gaylen Clark, director at large, tournaments; Martha Noel, director, outreach & instruction. (plus about 22 players)

Treasurer’s Report (Mick): Current balance in bank account: $4,489.86. Last donation to PLAY: $5,462.04, brings total balance in PLAY to $20,000. Expenses were $18.25 for first-aid supplies and the transfer to Play, for total of $5,480.29.

President’s Report (Derek): With the club’s growing membership, it’s time to explore obtaining 501c3 nonprofit status. Jeff Guiltinan, director of maintenance, is starting the process because he has experience doing the same for another organization. He said the upfront filing cost with the state is $700, plus the club will need the expertise of an accountant to file IRS and other documents.

On Friday, Jan. 29, all 6 Hagerman courts will be occupied (rented) by a private event from 3-8 p.m.

Evening Play: Erin and Brad Luton are drawing regular players to their evening session at 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. (They had 28 players recently.) They want to know if the club would pay for lights when daylight savings ends. Derek will get details on the cost of lights, and gauge player interest at the next meeting.

The Board will be looking to fill new positions in January, including secretary and vice president, plus the 3 director at large positions. Members should let Derek know if they are interested.

Maintenance: The city continues its talks with the fence company to make repairs. Walter made a motion to purchase a gas-powered blower for not more than $500 to clean the courts. Motion seconded by Marcy. Motion passed. The club has also purchased a water broom to power wash the courts but cannot currently be used due to the water shortage.

Instruction: Martha said the last Kids Camp will be this week, July 19-21, from 12-1:30, led by volunteers. Unfortunately, our kids class liaison with the city, Christian, is no longer working for the city. Jerry said his Tuesday beginner class continues to draw newcomers as does his weekly class at Mussell Senior Center. Some of those new players have been coming to Hagerman to play. Walter said he continues to draw players (25 on 7-18) to his Thursday session but they are primarily intermediate players, not advanced. The class will continue to meet at 8 a.m. to free up courts for regular club play.

June Tournament wrap-up: Gaylen provided a financial summary (attached) of income and expenses for the tournament. Here are the highlights: Total income was $13,144, Including $7,199 registrations for 130 players; $1,045 for baskets raffle; $300 from 50/50 drawing ; $4,600 from 18 sponsors. Expenses for balls, medals, t-shirts, etc., $3,600.69, for a net profit of $9,543.31. Our 50% portion split with Kiwanis, $4,771.66. However, because our club contributed the majority of volunteers and donations, Gaylen has asked Kiwanis to alter the split to 60-40%, instead of 50% to our club. At 60%, the club’s portion would be $5,725.99. The Kiwanis board agreed but a final vote is pending. Donations: Target, a $150 gift card; Pepsi, bottled water; and Driscoll’s, assorted berries. Driscoll’s also will contribute berries to the Rec & Parks tournament. She gave special thanks to Lenore Yoshihara, who ran the tournament by providing the tournament bracketing that allowed competition to flow with few interruptions. She also noted thanks to Leo Batson for sponsorships, Holly Rapson for hospitality table, Marian Amsbaugh and Gina Robinson for tournament signage, as well as Kathy Elchlepp, George Clark and Marcy Jimenez. For the upcoming Rec & Parks tournament, Sept. 23-25, the city will organize and manage the event. Volunteers from our club will be needed to oversee the check-in and hospitality tables, and to help with set-up and take-down. The club will provide balls for the tournament.

Tournament feedback: David Amido was asked to attend the club meeting because he and his wife, Sherrie, have participated in many tournaments and wanted to offer suggestions as to how our club could improve future tournaments. David’s full sheet of suggestions is attached. Below is a summary:

1. Give participants the best playing experience possible so they return for future events. At times, the Amidos said they “felt like the participants were a secondary consideration.”

2. Appoint a tournament director and a head referee to answer questions, explain protocols and help settle court disputes. Post tournament rules at the courts, on the website and on printed flyers or posters.

3. Allow water bottles on the courts during play. Going without water during a match poses a health risk, especially for seniors.

4. Because the club has only six courts, it should set a maximum number of entries in each division. Any division with a shortfall will play a round robin. If a full day of play is expected, then a staggered schedule will prevent teams having to sit out for long periods between matches.

On a positive note, the pop-up canopies provided shade and the risers allowed for group seating without the need for personal chairs.

Sportsmanship: Derek is working with the city to create a “code of ethics” regarding language and behavior that players will be asked to sign, whether they are annual or daily players or tournament participants. Violators will be warned with reprimand letters and if violations continue, the Board will vote to dismiss the player from the club. Derek reminded players that their behavior at other clubs’ events reflects on the integrity of own club. A draft of the code will be sent to Board members to review.

Referees: Jhonna Dowd, USAPA ambassador, has said there will be a training session on Aug. 6 at Hagerman. Contact her for more information.

Ball machine: There was a question about use of the ball machine, suggesting the club have a written policy. Derek said the club has said the machine may only be used for players in good standing, must be signed out from the store room and returned after use. Recently the machine was found unattended on a court.

Combo lock: When closing the combination lock, remember to spin the numbers so it can’t be reopened easily.

Meeting adjourned: 1 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Elise Cassel, SMPC secretary

Santa Maria Pickleball Club and Kiwanis Club of Santa Maria Noontime Pickleball Tournament 2022

18 paid Sponsors for Tournament: $4600    Leo Batson, Derek & Kathy Elchlepp, Gaylen Clark, Elise Castle

            *Pepsi : 15 cases of water                                        Tim Domingues, Gaylen Clark

           *Discolls' Berries : 12 cases of berries                    Ernesto Casillas, Gaylen Clark

Basket Raffle : $1045.OO   50/50 Drawing: $300.00

Registration/Participants : $7199 (approx: 130 players)         Total Income: $13,144.00


Picklebails              $176.74 Jhonna Dowd

Pacific Pickleball $108.75 Derek achiepp

      Jay Cee Trophy (medals)            $313.20 Kathy Elchlepp

All American Screen Printing $1 ,433.81 Mic Robinson &

         ( t-shirts & banner)                                 Jerry Thomason

That Guy Catering $1,320.00 Derek & Kathy Echlepp

Miscellaneous        $47.04 + $75.98 + $60 + $65.17=$248.55 Holly Rapson, Derek achiepp, George & Gaylen Clark

Total Expense $3,600.69                              Net Profit: $9,543.31 (Half- $4,771.66)

                             40% = $3,817.32


With the goal of making our tournaments even better, we welcome the opportunity to give feedback. We've attended many pickleball tournaments both small and large in the last year and a half and we have hosted/worked/attended many fundraisers as well over the years and want to offer a few suggestions for any future tournaments as we scale up our events:

1.      PLAYER EXPERIENCE: Giving our participants the best experience possible should always be job one for two reasons-----(1) They have spent money to participate and to donate to the charity, and for the out of towners, that expense might include hotel, food, and gas. Equally important (2) we want them to return each year. At times, though, it fett like participants were a secondary consideration.

2.      APPOINT A TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR AND A HEAD REFEREE: A Director is the '*go to" person for questions about the tournament and its protocols, such as bracketing, scheduling, tiebreakers, and forfeits. The Referee can deal with on court disputes and rule clarifications, including those set up by the tournament Director as well as the official rules of the USA Pickleball Association. Have tournament rules posted somewhere (the website, or a flyer, or a poster) and also state that the Official Rules of USAPA will apply to all matches. Players do not want to have lots of questions once play begins and then get different answers depending on whom they speak with.

3.      WATER ACCESS: We have never been at a tournament where water bottles on the court were not allowed. Other soft drinks have not been permitted because a spill can cause stickiness on the court and thus sticky shoes presents a safety hazard. Water is different though and making hydration easier and not harder should be our goal. On a hot day we risk many health problems should we limit people's access to water. It's stressful enough to play and adding more stress is unnecessary. It's simple logic: Water will not harm the court. Do we want to give the impression that our courts are more important to us than the players we want at our event?

4.      TOURNAMENT BRACKETS AND SCHEDULING: Since we have only six courts, then set a number of max entries in each division to avoid problems. If a division has less than a certain number, then that shortfall automatically triggers a round robin. Round robins should not be indiscriminate. Any division with the shortfall will play a round robin. If we have a lot of divisions playing on one day, then stagger the start times so teams won't have to sit for long periods of time between matches. If you want the tournament to end early, then again limit entries. But if time isn't a concern, then a staggered schedule can work best. We haven't experienced any tournament of similar size that didn't have staggered start times with final matches finishing around 4 0'clock. Those who play tournaments regularly expect a full day of play if the brackets are large.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Meeting called to order: 11:05 a.m.

Board Members Present: Derek Elchlepp, Mick Robinson, Jerry Thomason, Elise Cassel, Martha Noel, Jeff Guiltinan, Gaylen Clark, Jhonna Dowd and about 20 members

Minutes from 4-18-22 Exec Board Minutes: approved.

Treasurer’s Report (Mick): Current bank balance as of 5-9-22 is $8,546.74. Expenses were $176.74 for balls; pending $52.07 for new lock and $73.02 for portable net. Mick reports there are 92 annual paid members with 155 players on the roster. Balance in the PLAY, Inc. account remains $14,537.96.

President’s Report (Derek): Evening play, led by Brad and Erin Luton, has been drawing regular players from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. There were 16 players one night. The city occasionally turns on the lights on nights there are baseball games/practice. The Lutons thank the club and appreciate its support of evening play. The club appreciates all they are contributing to grow the sport of pickleball in our community.

There’s a new combo lock and key (also fits storage room). Keys will be given to specific people in the coming week. Bathrooms are to be unlocked 24-7, per SM Rec & Parks. If they are locked, Terry Armas suggested asking city to rekey the bathroom to the same as our supply room lock, and allow the key to be in the club’s possession.

Instruction: The new intermediate class last Thursday, led by Walter Linn, Jeff and Dick Parry, had good turnout. Players said they liked having 3 instructors on different courts teaching different skills. Jerry said he had four players at his Tuesday beginner class. Most are returning and skills are improving.

Martha said PB Kids Camp will be June 21-23 but city changed the time to noon1:30 p.m. Volunteers are needed.

Maintenance (Jeff): The city has approved purchase of a water broom with connecting hose (Board approved $500) for washing the courts on a regular schedule. Rec & Parks are requiring Jeff to demonstrate the water broom to them, prior to approving its use. He’s setting up a time to demonstrate the broom. City is talking with Fence Factory to repair torn/broken fencing.

Club Ladder (Jeff): He suggested establishing a club ladder as other nearby clubs have done. One day (maybe Tues. or Thurs.) would be reserved for voluntary ladder competition, or it could be after 8-noon regular play. Club would need to purchase a display case to post the ladder as well as other club information. There is no need to purchase this yet.

Tournament (Gaylen): We have $4,100 from sponsors, with thanks to Leo Batson, Derek & Kathy and Kiwanis members. Pepsi will provide 10-15 cases of bottled water. PB Central will give a discount on balls and will provide their banner to post on our fencing. Target donated a $150 gift card to be used to buy fruit or drinks other than water. There are 111 players registered with 44 in a 2nd event, totaling $6,000 in entry fees. Expenses include $892-$1,100 for t-shirts; banner with logos, $108; balls $176; medals $278. Members are asked to donate gift certificates and other items for the gift baskets: Date Night, Girls Spa, Sweet Treat, Men’s. Contact Marcy Jimenez for donations.

Elks Rodeo Parade: The club will participate in the parade at 8 a.m. Saturday, June 4. The club needs volunteers to walk in the parade and demonstrate playing pickleball when stopped en route.

Meeting adjourned: noon.

Respectfully submitted,

Elise Cassel,



Thursday, March 30, 2022

Present/Quorum: Derek Elchlepp, president; Jerry Thomason, vice president; Elise Cassel, secretary; Mick Robinson, treasurer; Directors at Large: Martha Noel, Gaylen Clark (Jeff Guiltinan absent)

Meeting called to order: 12:10 p.m.

Introduction of Officers

Treasurer’s Report: Current bank balance is $6,959.37. There are 86 members who have paid for the 2022-2023 annual membership (singles and couples). Expenses were: $127.86 for audio equipment and first aid supplies; $70.86 for information postcards; $80.46 for two net bags; $5,000 was transferred to PLAY, Inc. on March 3, 2022. (Update: PLAY balance is now $14,537.)

President’s Report: Derek has been in talks with the city about safeguarding the courts from vandalism. The Hagerman office is staffed during night softball on Mon., Tues., Thurs. and Friday. Players suggested locking the courts when no one is playing and using the key in the lockbox to access the courts. The city is opposed to this. Courts may be reserved (outside morning club hours) on the city’s website online for $3/court/hour plus $5 reservation fee.

The city has agreed to provide additional courts by converting 3 tennis courts at Minami by painting new PB lines. Our portable nets would be used. The city will not consider adding courts at Hagerman for 3-5 years due to cost of four other big projects and staff shortage. Courts could be funded by outside grants of about $120,000.

Instruction: Walter and Jeff will start Skills & Drills for advanced players in May from 8 to 9 a.m. Thursdays. Jerry’s beginner class continues on Tuesdays, 9-10 a.m. Volunteers: A beginner class was scheduled at Mussell Senior Center for March 31, with several more for kids and seniors in April, June & July. Sign-up sheets are at the table. Derek emphasized that our volunteer instructional classes are an important part of the club’s commitment to attracting the community to our courts and encouraging the city to provide more courts. Brad and Erin Luton, who

work daytime, want to encourage evening play at Hagerman, possibly 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. This also would attract more community people to our courts. Anyone interested should contact the Lutons at beluton@aol.com

Maintenance: Bailing wire on fence cap will be changed out to zip ties. Jeff, as maintenance Director at Large, needs volunteers for the fixes. We need volunteers to help blow off the courts every day.

Tournament (Gaylen): Each player on each team must fill out the form and sign the “participant signature” for waiver of liability at the bottom of the sheet. Priority registration will be given to our club players until April 15. One meal is included in entry fee. There was a request for a vegetarian breakfast or lunch meal. Elise will email registration info and form to SMPC members on 3-31.

More volunteers are needed and sign-up sheets will be at the table M-F. Volunteers so far:

Fruit at hospitality table—Gayle Linn

(Donation of drinks will again be requested from Pepsi Co.)

Collection of logos for the t-shits and banner: Mick Robinson

T-shirts ordering: Jerry Thomason

Check-in table: Marcy Jimenez and Martin Koob

Set-up of tents, tables, sound system: Ryan Miller, Martin Koob (more volunteers needed)

Tournament bracket charts: Sandy Matson

Contacting companies as sponsors: Leo Batson

Medals or awards: Kathy Elchlepp

Ordering of balls and server wristbands: Jhonna Dowd will look into cost of X40 balls.

Raffle for gift baskets: A request for donation of gift items will be emailed to players. There will be a 50-50 draw of tickets at the end of each tournament day. Price of tickets TBD.

Meeting Adjourned: 1:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elise Cassel, SMPC secretaryMinutes

Monday, Feb. 28, 2022

Present/Quorum: Derek Elchlepp, president; Jerry Thomason, vice president; Elise Cassel, secretary; Mick Robinson, treasurer; Directors at Large: Jeff Guiltinan, Gaylen Clark, Martha Noel, absent.

Previous meeting minutes: approved

Introduction of Directors at Large: Gaylen Clark – tournaments; Jeff Guiltinan – maintenance & equipment; Martha Noel – community outreach; (Jhonna Dowd, USAPA ambassador)

Treasurer’s Report: Mick said the club’s bank balance is now $7,187.45. After annual dues are paid at end of March, he will transfer money to our PLAY account with the city. The PLAY balance is now $9,537.96. He is providing detailed instructions to volunteers at the sign-in table for collecting annual, monthly and daily dues, with the main request to write names legibly. There were 545 players recorded last month, not including 43 new drop-ins and those who play on Sat. and Sun. There was an average of 38.9 people per day.

Derek has requested a bike rack from the city, which is in the works. Players also requested bleacher-type stands for seating, especially for tournaments.

The city has posted a sign at Hagerman that says the club has use of the courts from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. There is open play after 1 p.m. on weekday afternoons and throughout weekends. Players are urged to keep watch on young people and reprimand those who leave trash, lean on the nets or cause other damage.

Tournaments: Gaylen said a tournament hosted by SM Rec & Parks is planned for Sept. 23-25, 2022. Rec & Parks’ Joe Holicky is in charge, and any profits will be split 50-50 with the city. Gaylen said Kiwanis is considering holding a tournament and asked players if they would consider holding it on Memorial Day weekend or in June.

Tues. beginner class: Several players have volunteered to lead the classes while Jerry is out for the coming weeks.

Table sign-ins have gone well. Volunteers are needed for April.

Annual dues are payable March 1-31 to allow a flexible time period for people to pay.

Players are urged to put name labels on their paddles, in a way that the label could be removed to meet USAPA tournament rules.

Court repairs: Jeff Guiltinan is aware of problems.

Meeting adjourned: 12:17 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elise Cassel, secretary


Minutes of SM Pickleball Executive Board of Directors

Feb. 7, 2022

Meeting called to order: 11:22 a.m.

Establish Quorum/Roll Call: Derek Elchlepp, president; Jerry Thomason, vice president; Mick Robinson, treasurer; Elise Cassel, secretary; Terry Armas, past president.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (Jan. 17, 2022): approved


Vote on Directors at Large nominees:

a) Community Outreach – Martha Noel: Duties to include public relations, setting up PB instruction at schools, forming a committee of volunteers to help.

b) Tournament Liaison -- Gaylen Clark: Duties to include forming a committee to help set up and supervise tournaments. Keep Board informed of tournament details.

Mick Robinson made a motion to approve; seconded and passed.

If the city puts on a tournament with the club, there will likely be a 50-50 split of proceeds. The city will not front any money if the courts at SM Country Club are used for the tournament.

c) Maintenance & Facilities – Jeff Guiltinan: Duties to include repairs and maintenance fo ball machine and the courts. If needed, form a committee to assist with duties. Keep in communication with SM Rec & Parks Department.

Vote on Dues membership: (Bylaws Article 3,2: The Board shall set annual membership dues and playing fees.) Annual dues payable in March. Individual annual fee of $100 per member remains the same. Couples to pay $175. Children under 18 play for free. Monthly dues remain at $10; drop-in at $3. Mick Robinson made motion to approve; motion seconded, passed.

Membership status: The Board agreed an “active member” is a player who has paid for monthly or annual dues. Approved.

Treasurer -- Table duties: Mick will oversee operation of sign-in table, with Kathy Elchlepp and Patty Garcia providing sign-in sheets and a sign-up calendar for volunteers.

Future Club purchases: We need to order more info postcards for newcomers. Elise will update the cards to be ordered from Vista Print. The Board would like to purchase an all-weather speaker system for $124.99 to use at meetings and tournaments. (Bylaws: Purchases under $200 do not require executive Board approval.) Derek has asked the city (in discussion) to provide a bike rack at Hagerman.

Dues via Venmo: Members may pay monthly and annual dues, starting March 1, using the club’s Venmo account.

President’s report: Derek has consulted with Rec & Park’s and Rudy Gutierrez, recreation supervisor about several issues:

a) The AED delivered to the club’s storeroom has a label saying it was donated by “Marian Medical Center.” However, a check from CalStar was given to Rec & Parks to purchase the club’s AED. The Board agreed that if the city did not use that money to purchase the AED, it should be returned to CalStar.

b) The club would like to see the amount in its PLAY, Inc. account and view information about our club and account posted on the city’s PLAY, Inc. website page. Derek will continue discussions with Dennis Smitherman, recreation services manager. PLAY account balance is now $9,537.96

c) The club would like the city to run a trench alongside the fences to drain water off the courts. City will assess after the next rain to see how much water collects and look into the cost of digging trenches.

New Business

Beginner Instruction: When Jerry is out of town in the coming three weeks, substitute volunteers will be sought to fill in for him at the weekly Tuesday class from 9 to 10:30 a.m.

Meeting adjourned: 12:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elise Cassel

Secretary, SM Pickleball Club


Jan. 17, 2022

Meeting called to order: 11:30 a.m.

Present: Terry Armas, president; Jerry Thomason, vice president; Elise Cassel, secretary-treasurer; about 20 members

Financial Report (Elise): The Dec. 10 bank statement balance was $6,098. Credits: $723; debits: $484.65. The debits included: $344.95 for fence toppers; $50 Panera gift card for Walter Linn for leading his Skill classes; $64.71 to All American Screen Printing for PB driveway sign; $25 for 2019 bank statements to open city’s PLAY account. (3 years statements were required and Elise had 2020 and 2021). The Jan. 10 bank statement balance was $6,628.55 but Rec & Parks had not cashed the $4,000 club check of Dec. 7 to establish our Fiscal Sponsor Savings account through PLAY, Inc. After that was cashed on Jan. 12, the balance was $2,628.55. Deposits were $530.76 for a current balance of $2,943.55. Since then the club has spent $100 for a gift card from PB Central for Terry as a retirement gift; and $143.52 for 2 Rol-Dri (court) Sponge Rollers from Amazon(now in the storeroom but need assembly.) Terry added that the check from Kiwanis for about $5,300 from last summer’s tournament has been received and will be deposited in the club’s PLAY account bringing that total to about $9,300.

Fiesta Lunch: Olivia Bolanos provided receipts and a spreadsheet for expenses for the Jan. 12 event celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Hagerman courts. She collected $500 for the burritos, chips/salsa plus $100 from the club. Cost of the food was $504.89, plus $75 (17%) tip for Carniceria Su Mesa restaurant for a total of $579.89. There was a balance of $20.11 that Elise told Olivia to keep because she drove to the restaurant and Vallarta to pick up the food and bring to Hagerman, enabling the club to eat lunch at about 11:30 a.m. rather than wait for delivery.

President’s Report (Terry): Elise and Jerry counted the Board election ballots and announced the new club president will be Derek Elchlepp and the treasurer, Mick Robinson. There were 60 votes cast: 58 “yes” for Derek; 50 for Mick with one “no”; one write-in each for Leo as president and treasurer; 1 for Biko as treasurer.

Elise will continue as treasurer until Derek returns from travel around Jan. 25, when he and Mick can set up a new bank account with themselves as signers. With annual membership month coming in March, Elise suggested Mick and Derek think about how they want to collect member fees.

Terry said the monthly calendar created by Patricia Garcia for sign-in table duty has worked very well, with almost all daily slots accounted for.

Terry noted that the city has been leaving the driveway gate open on Sundays but if the bathrooms remain locked on holidays or weekends, to open them using the key located with the combo lock, then relock the bathrooms and be sure to replace the key. The same applies to the ball machine. If a member (in good standing) uses it, then he/she should put it back in the storeroom with all the balls. Patricia suggested having a sign-out sheet for anyone using the ball machine.

There was discussion about the city building more courts but Terry repeated that won’t be considered until the next budget is created in July. Others pointed out it is important to sign in at the table so the club keeps numbers of people using the courts on weekdays, showing a need for more courts. The club could renew fund-raising efforts when the city signals its plans to build more courts.

SM High PE classes: Jhonna Dowd said the club needs volunteers to help teach pickleball classes at SM High at various times on Friday, Jan. 21, Thursday and Friday, Jan. 27 and 28. The P.E. instructor is Naomi Nordwall. A sign-in sheet with class times will be at the front table.

Meeting adjourned: 12:10 p.m.

Elise Cassel

SMPC secretary-treasurer


Nov. 22, 2021

Meeting called to order: 11: 30 a.m.

Present: Terry Armas, president; Jerry Thomason, vice president; Elise Cassel, secretary-treasurer; about 20 members.

Financial Report (Elise): The ending balance on the Nov. 10 bank statement was $5,498.64. There were deposits of $681 for the month, with one debit of $320.20 for an order of new balls (5 12-packs of Onyx yellow for $154.91 and 100 pink X40 for ball machine for $165.29. After Nov. 10, there were deposits of $169 and a debit of $344.94 to reimburse Jerry for the black fence toppers he bought with a discount at Home Depot. He thanked Derek Elchlepp and others who helped install the toppers on the fencing. There’s an outstanding check for $64.71 paid to All American Screen Printing for the two banners Sandy Matson had made. The current bank balance is $5,683.50

President’s Report (Terry): There are no longer any Rec & Parks staff members in the Hagerman office. There is a key in a lock box at the courts and Terry will tell you the combination, on request. But she advises anyone who uses the key to be sure to put the key back in the lock box. It will unlock the court gates, the storeroom and the bathrooms. The electronic gate on the driveway are on a pre-set timer and she expects the gate will be open on 11/25, Thanksgiving Day.

Terry thanks all who signed up for table duty in November. Kathy Elchlepp reminded everyone that the December calendar is now available for sign-ups.

Jhonna Dowd (USAPA Ambassador): Jhonna reminded people that the USAPA 2021 rules are available on the internet at https://usapickleball.org. She reviewed the rules for line calls including: each team is responsible for making line calls on their side of the court; the call should be a decisive “good” or “out,” and if team members can’t agree, the ball is considered good. A serve is good if it clears the no-volley line. If it touches the line, it is a fault for the server. If the serve hits the net cord and bounces beyond the kitchen line, it is a “let,” as in tennis and the server gets a new serve. A ball is good if it touches any part of the base line; it is out if there is visible space between where the ball bounces and the base line. The bounce serve remains legal.

Saturday play: There are complaints that kids attending the softball games are coming onto the courts and leaving trash and other debris. If the ball machine is taken out to the courts, it must be put back in the storeroom. It was agreed that the courts remain locked if our players are not using them.

AED: Terry gave the city the check donated by CalStar and the Automated External Defibrillator has been ordered.

PLAY, Inc: The city’s nonprofit arm, People for Leisure & Youth, Inc. has provided the club with sponsorship guidelines and agreement. They have said the club account will not be subject to a service fee, and Terry will ask for that provision in writing. The club will be able to transfer our funds to a holding account for the building of additional courts, when the city approves them.

Elections for 2022 (Elise): She read the bylaws concerning elections in Article 6: 1) Thirty day sprior to the date of the annual membership meeting, the Board will appoint a nominating committee which shall consist of, at minimum, the president and two members. 2) The Board shall be elected by paper ballot by the membership at the annual membership meeting in January, the date determined by the club president. A nominee who receives a majority vote shall be deemed elected.

Thanks to: Terry thanked Walter Linn for his ongoing Skills & Drills classes and presented him a gift from the club of Panera gift cards.

Court Courtesy: Elise said she has heard of more negative remarks made between players on the courts and asked players to please keep in mind the old saying:  “If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.” The club’s goal is always to play in friendly competition.

Court Christmas: Terry will put an outline of a Christmas tree on the fence and players will be invited to “hang” personalized, PB ornaments.


Oct. 27, 2021

Meeting called to order: 11:35 a.m.

Present: Terry Armas, president; Elise Cassel, secretary-treasurer; about 20 club members.

President’s report: Thank you to all those who volunteered at three recent events:

The instruction for seniors as part of Active Aging Week on Oc.t 5.

An instructional session for a P.E. class at Santa Maria High.

A demonstration session for seniors at Oasis Community Center on Oct. 8.

Volunteers: Later in the meeting, Elise suggested forming a Volunteers Committee with a chairman/coordinator who will take requests for volunteer events, gather names of those who want to volunteer and coordinate with players as to who is going where & when. Then relay that info to the Board. Martha Noel volunteered to be coordinator.

Treasurer’s report: For Sept. 10 bank statement: previous balance as $5,088.74; total credits $739; Total debits: $329.10; for ending balance of $5,498.64. Debits were $258.24 for 36 outdoor Onyx balls and 100 X40 balls for the machine. (Including a $12.50 group discount). There was also a charge of $70.86 for 50 info postcards we give to new players. There were two additional player fee deposits of $223 on 10-14 and $20 on 10-26, bringing the new balance to $5741.64

Gaylen Clark reported that funds from Kiwanis tournament will not be distributed for a couple of months.

AED Check: Terry received the check for th4e AED from Al’s company CalStar. She will take it to Rec & Parks so they can order it. The device will be kept in the club’s storeroom at Hag. CalStar has also offered to provide a person to give instruction to the club about use of the AED.

City’s PLAY Inc: Terry said the city is drawing up paperwork to establish a PLAY Inc. fund for donations to our club as well as a holding account for funds we have been collecting from playing fees. We would still keep some funds in our Community Bank account for purchase of balls and other items. Terry said the city will not consider addition of more courts until summer of 2022 when it creates a new budget.

Ball Supply: Elise said she has just received an order of 100 pink X-40 Outdoor Optic balls for the machine. She also ordered 60 more yellow Onix, which will be in the storeroom. Cost was $154.91 for the yellow and $165.29 for pink balls for machine (from Pickleball Central). The pink balls should be kept separate just for use in the ball machine.


Thanks to Jeff, Derek, Mick and others who help power wash the courts. The city says it will clean them every two months but they may need it more often. Thanks to Jeff Guiltinan who donated a large piece of artificial grass to cover the sandy lot in front of the main gate.

Fence Repairs: Thanks to Jerry Thomason who has repaired fence gates.

Fence Cap Protectors: Jerry says we need 33 of the black form toppers, which sell for $10 each at Home Depot. The total would be $330. He has a 15% discount at Home Depot and will buy them there after he returns from vacation on Oc.t 29. He’d like volunteers to help him put them up.

New Business:

Elise suggested forming a set-up committee to assign a person to manage and set up the daily sign-in table, and manage a schedule of the volunteers will be manning it. Patty Garcia volunteered.

Rainy Day options: Terry will request an indoor site when there’s a forecast of rain. Edwards is no longer suitable because the city changed the flooring which dampens the bounce of the balls. Terry has the portable nets, plastic line markers and indoor balls.

Club Banners: Terry showed the 3 x 3 banner that Sandy Matson ordered for the club to take to events, and will be kept in the storeroom. Sandy has another smaller one ordered for the entry at Hagerman driveway that points the way to our courts. Thanks to Biko Yamaguchi for creating a temporary driveway sign.

Meeting adjourned: 12:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elise Cassel, SMPC secretary


September 12, 2021


Meeting called to order: 11:35 a.m.

Officers Present: Terry Armas, president; Jerry Thomason, vice president; Elise Cassel, secretary-treasurer

Treasurer’s Report: For statement ending Aug. 10: Previous balance, $5,485. Deposits of $1,449 including $630 from yard sale. Debits of $2,144, including $1,661 for the ball machine and $285 for machine balls. Ending balance of $4,790.

For statement ending Sept. 10: Deposits of $686. Debits of $387 including $59 for club banner; $194 for annual SquareSpace website subscription; $134 for Flip-Flop Social supplies. Ending balance Sept. 9: $5,088.74

Gaylen says proceeds from Kiwanis tournament are not likely to be received until October.


Bylaws: The bylaws are complete and officers have signed. Julio will post on the website.

Yard Sale: Thanks to Mary Lou & Jerry Thomason for hosting the Aug. 7 event. The sale made $630.

Flip-Flop Social: Thanks to Olivia Bolanos for organizing.

Website: www.santamariapickleballclub.com; send photos of club events to Julio at jjhwy101@msn.com

AED: Al Simmons is still in talks with his employer about purchase of the AED (defibrillator).

Ball Machine: Several people have been using it; others would like Steve Delauretis to better coordinate access and availability. Operating advice is to tap the adjustments lightly. Marian will bring a second ball retriever. Staff is there Mon-Fri. to open the storeroom door where ball machine is stored.

Meeting with City: Terry said the city will not consider funding for additional courts until next fiscal year (after July 1). Joe Holicky from Rec & Parks attended and said he will talk to Alex about PLAY, Inc. setting up a club savings account that we could access when the city agrees to build more courts. He said there is no city staff Saturdays but the electronic gate is open for public play. The gate is open Sundays when softball teams are there.

Sandy Lot: To cover the sandy lot where players put their chairs, Glenn Prezkop suggested spreading gravel. Sandy Matson suggested buying a large sheet of synthetic grass that can be pinned down in corners. Jerry will check out prices.

Active Aging Week (Oct. 2-9): Wendy Hudson is in charge of Active Aging week and has suggested we offer a free instructional class for seniors. Terry said a Tuesday afternoon might work for the class. She did not think there would be enough staff to hold a tournament.

Volunteers for Board’s directors at large: Hospitality—Marcy Galvez-Jimenez and Gaylen Clark; maintenance—Derek Elchlepp; publicity—TBD; fund-raising –vacant now but Leo volunteered for future campaigns.

Filling of Treasurer’s position: Mick Robinson volunteered but noted he will be out of town for several dates in coming months.

Purchase of fence cap protectors: Terry suggested yellow caps from fencescreen.com for $700 that have a 10-year warranty. Jerry said he can buy the black caps at Home Depot for half the price. He will buy a sample to attach and try out. Terry said the city may be willing to share the cost.

Purchase of balls: Terry said we have used both Onix yellow and Franklin X. The split was 60% for Franklin and 40% for Onix.

Banners: Sandy Matson has ordered a small informational banner for the club to use at such events as the yard sale. She has also ordered a directional banner to be placed by the Hagerman driveway entrance.

Practice Wall: Marcy suggested purchasing a practice wall. Terry advised researching the purchase of a wall or copying one to use. Storage may be an issue.

Extra Hours: Marian suggested expanding the club’s use of the courts from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. instead of noon to allow more court time for experienced players. Joe said he would check with Rec & Parks.

Gaylen asked for volunteers to help give lessons to students at Santa Maria High School during their P.E. class, at the school’s pickleball court.

Meeting adjourned: 12:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elise Cassel, secretary-treasurer


August 2, 2021


Officers present: Terry Armas, president; Jerry Thomason, vice president; Elise Cassel, secretary-treasurer.

Treasurer’s Report: Balance for the last bank statement ending July 10, 2021, was $5,484.93. Deposits as of July 30: $285. Debits were: $1,661.30, ball machine; $31.40, rings for windscreens; $73.93, pizzas for June meeting. Total: $1,766.63. Today’s balance: $4,003.30.

Secretary’s Report: Elise said that she found that because our club is recreational, we are eligible to become a 501(c)(7) allowing our funds to be tax-exempt. This differs from the 501(c)(3) entity reserved for charitable organizations. The c7 means that any money we raise flows back into the club, not to charities, so donations to a c7 are not tax deductible. Donations, however, could flow through the city’s nonprofit PLAY, Inc. as they did for our Hagerman fund-raising. The IRS does not allow “related” persons—such as married couples or business partners—to serve on the Board of either entity due to conflict of interest.

Treasurer’s position: Terry asked for volunteers to fill the treasurer position that Elise has combined with that of secretary. Terry asked that the volunteer have bookkeeping or accounting experience since the club wants to seek a business account with Community Bank to get an EIN (taxpayer ID). If the club seeks to become a 501(c)(7), the IRS would require detailed banking records, related documents and tax returns. Kathy Elchlepp has volunteered but if there are others, please let Terry know.

Upcoming Yard Sale: (From 8-2 Saturday, Aug. 7, at the Thomason home. Jerry requested long tables for items and two pickup trucks to take leftovers to New Image thrift store.

Ball Machine: Steve Delauretis has tried out the one the club purchased but said the elevation feature doesn’t work. Motion by Gaylen Clark: Return machine to the seller in exchange for a new one.

New liaison at Rec & Parks: Terry has been trying to set up a meeting with the new liaison (Josef Holicky) to discuss future court expansion plans, liability coverage at Hagerman and other issues such as pressure cleaning of courts and setting up the city’s nonprofit PLAY, Inc. again for tax-deductible fund-raising donations.

Status of AED: Al Simmons said his company (AirMedCare) needs the taxpayer ID, or EIN, before it will issue a check for cost of the device.

Court Maintenance: Jerry has looked into the cost of power-washing the courts. Suggestions were that he rent a machine or possibly buy one. Someone asked if the city should be washing the courts along with other maintenance it does at Hagerman. Jerry will follow up.

Club bylaws: Elise and Terry have been working on a draft of bylaws, borrowing from those of the SLO club and one in Tennessee. Elise read a quick summary of the draft so far. Motion by John Schumacher: Allow club members to review the bylaws draft and make suggestions to the Board. Then the Board will finalize the bylaws.

Website: Julio Santana is working on a website and has about 80% of it built.

Social event: The Board is planning an End of Summer Social for 11 a.m. Friday, Aug. 27, at the snack bar area. Some thought the time should be at 11:30 a.m. when more people are done playing. There was no decision to change it. Olivia Bolanos has created a flyer.

PLAY, Inc.: Terry will ask the city if it will reactivate its nonprofit PLAY, Inc. for the club to use for those who want to make tax-deductible donations.

Directors at Large: The draft bylaws allow for Directors at Large to be elected by a majority of the Board officers at the January annual meeting. Each director at large would have one vote on the Board.

Committee chairs: Terry asked for volunteers to chair committees for publicity, hospitality and court maintenance although Jerry has been supervising the maintenance. Marcy Galvez-Jimenez and Gaylen Clark volunteered to head the hospitality committee.

Next meeting: The meeting will be at 11: 30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 13, 2021, at Hagerman concession area.

Respectfully submitted,

Elise Cassel,

SM Pickleball Club Secretary-Treasurer